Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Review : Fyrinnae Eyeshadows in Lucky Charmed, Velveteen Werewolf, Pyromantic Erotica, and Steampunk

So after going through the indie makeup subreddit I've realized I want every cosmetic item of every indie makeup company. This may be a slight exaggeration, but really, I decided to take the plunge and buy some indie makeup products. Though there is quite a bit of drama floating around it, I decided to purchase from Fyrinnae as my indie first. This was partially because of the rave reviews but also because most people seemed to agree that most indie shadows needed some sort of glue base for the shadows to truly shine and the only other option (darling girl glitter glue?) was sold out at the time.

So, the shadows. I ordered minis of Velveteen Werewolf, Pyromantic Erotica, and Steampunk. I also received Lucky Charmed as a free sample. Below are some photos of them swatched because there needs to be more Fyrinnae swatches. They can be rather difficult to find. All of them are over Pixie Epoxy on top and over bare skin below that. As you can see they look great with the base but are really subpar over bare skin.

In their containers, kind of meh about the size inconsistency but WOW look at these beauties.

Swatches of (L to R) Lucky Charmed, Velveteen Werewolf, Pyromantic Erotica,  and Steampunk

Closer view of Lucky Charmed and Velveteen Werewolf

Straight on view of Pyromantic Erotica and Steampunk

Lucky Charmed, Velveteen Werewolf, Pyromantic Erotica,  and Steampunk in direct sunlight

Again, in direct sunlight. You can also kind of see the Pixie Epoxy in between swatches haha.

These shadows really need a sticky base to shine, and shine they do. It's a bit hard to capture on camera but holy cow are these reflective. I like using a bit as a sort of accent color but am not daring enough to use it on the entirety of my eyelid because they're pretty intense. Velveteen Werewolf, Pyromantic Erotica, and Steampunk are all part of their "Arcane Magic" collection meaning they are supposed to have shifts, and they do a bit, but it's nothing too dramatic. Really I was more taken by how shiny/sparkly these shadows were. If I purchased more shadows from them (which I really want to because they are just gorgeous) I think I'd go for their matte to moderate shimmers so they'd be a bit more wearable, but definitely go for some of the bright punchy colors *coughParentalAdvisorycough*.

Overall these shadows are gorgeous. They don't have much fallout at all when patted over Pixie Epoxy, and some of them are really fun/unique colors that are great to buy as minis, like I love orange eyeshadow but I really do not need an entire pan of it, so the mini is great. I think the full sizes are actually a good deal though, like 3g for $6.25 or the regular shadows or $6.80 for the Arcane Magic's. The minis were $2.25 each for 1/4 tsp of Arcane Magic eyeshadows and 1/3 tsp of the other eyeshadows, which may seem like a bit much but they are gorgeous and the containers are really handy. Something about the quality of the container seemed nicer than usual? Like they're not difficult to open/close, they seal up well so no loose shadow escapes when shaken, and they just feel really substantial. I ordered a mini from another company and the container didn't seem as nice, which is kind of a weird thing to be picky about but after using the ones provided by Fyrinnae there's a noticeable difference.

9/10 would buy again. The quality and price are great but I didn't get anything that I will use daily (though that's my fault, going in again sometime later for more wearable colors awww yeah) and the website was a little difficult to navigate. Also unlike other experiences with indie cosmetics the personal touch didn't seem to be there? Which is again nitpicky but when it comes to expanding my already too large collection of stuff I need to be nitpicky.

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